Our webinar project which we started in 2016 and have continued this year has been well received, not just by our South African members, but also by members of the TA community worldwide. We have run eight in total with six in 2017, many of which are available on our YouTube Channel.
It has been exciting to connect with a diverse community across the globe, with a greater reach with our latest co-initiative with the Institute of Developmental Transactional Analysis (IDTA). SATAA and IDTA are now sharing access to our online webinars. We welcome all IDTA members and look forward to keeping the SATAA community updated about IDTA webinars.
Our webinars are on opportunity to discuss, for example, powerful encounters with colleagues from India, the Emirates and Eastern Europe led by a Dutch facilitator, Lieuwe Koopmans, in September. Here is what Sharon Deal thought from September:
“The latest webinar with Lieuwe Koopmans on “The Power of Encounter” was thought provoking, stimulating and has left me wanting to know more. On a personal level I realised again how my busyness keeps me from powerful encounters with myself and others. This in itself has begged some deeper questions that require answers. I have downloaded his book “This is me” and will continue on my personal journey of understanding WHY I do the things I do. This webinar again was a reminder of how powerful a tool in your hand TA is in taking individuals and teams through a process of transformation. Thank you Lieuwe for sharing your wisdom and taking us through a powerful process. Thank you SATAA for providing this learning space.”
Meeting colleagues repeatedly at these webinars is strengthening our collegial bonds as well as professional development. Rosemary Napper will be leading our November webinar looking at practicing TA Interculturally. Watch out for our invite which will be coming soon. Find more details here.