Resource: “The Comparative Script System” by Diane Salters and Charlotte Sills
"This article presents the Comparative Script System - a chart which synthesises the major theories in TA: Classical School and the racket system; Redecision School and Cathexis School. It offers a tool which presents all of these within a systemic framework..." To...
Resource: Jean Illsley-Clarke’s Affirmations
Jean Illsley-Clarke’s Affirmations, as well as a page describing how to use them, can be downloaded below. This is a simple and powerful tool describing how people go through cycles in their psychological and emotional development and that certain messages of...
Resource: Professional WIll
About the article/resource: Samiksha Jain, a TA psychotherapy trainee from Bangalore, has written an article entitled: Where There is a Will, There is a Way - Professional Will - A Tool for Ethical Practice This article aims to draw the attention of mental health...
Transactional Analysis 101
At some stage in your life you may have come across one of these 2 bestselling books on Transactional Analysis According to Transactional Analysis, communication breakdowns happen because we’re not fully present in our conversations. Instead of responding in the here...
Member Interview: Karen Pratt interviews Clive Vanderwagen Find out more about how one of our newest SATAA members, Clive Vanderwagen, is using TA in his work as a trainer.
Member Interview: Marguerite Sacco on preparing for the TEW & journey to TSTA
Andrew Matthews interviews SATAA member and CTA (O) Marguerite Sacco about her journey on preparing for the Training Endorsement Workshop (TEW) to continue her journey towards achieving her Provisional Teaching and Supervision Transactional Analyst (TSTA).
How Transactional Analysis impacted my life – by Given Malebe
Dear Reader Let me formally introduce myself, my name is Given Malebe, Post Graduate in Electrical Engineering B-Tech in the University of Johannesburg. I live in Alexandra township Johannesburg South Africa. My Township has a population of 500 000-700 000 people...
Member Interview: Alex van Oostveen interviews Marguerite Sacco Alex van Oostveen interviews SATAA member and CTA (O) Marguerite Sacco about her use of transactional analysis in organisations.
TA in Practice: Kirsty Melmed
Recently. I was brought in by a large corporate brand, to facilitate team coaching sessions with a team of men of various ages, different cultural backgrounds and challenging economic circumstances. This was a new experience for me as up until now I have primarily...
Introduction of new SATAA Treasurer – Kirsty Melmed
My name is Kirsty Melmed and I am a life coach who specialises in personal development, spiritual growth and relationship transformation. My mission is to empower you to live life authentically. I first met with TA when I was 16 years old. A psychologist from New...